I mean, I've always loved Sonic Youth's cover of The Carpenters' Superstar, but I was thinking recently about how awesome it would be to have this as a first-dance song at a wedding. Like, depressing, but awesome.
These Are Things World Map
I really want one of these, but $60? The hell? I don't have that kind of scratch.

J Hill Design A Toast To... Series
I really think these are just adroable. I really love the Texas and Mexico ones. They also have an Animal Alphabet that would look really cool in a kitchen.

Jonathan Adler Zodiac Pillows
Oh my god, aren't these great? In case you were wondering why I picked these ones in particular, it's my best friend, mine, and my sister's zodiac signs.

Jonathan Adler Whale Butter Dish
WANT. Someone buy this for me, please!!!

The cover of this week's People magazine

Oh my god, where do I start? It's like a Where's Waldo of shitty D-list celebrity news! First things first, we have the Duggars (who's first names I care not to Google) posing with a very tiny baby bird. I'm sorry, I've just been told it's their child. Their 19th child, which would mean those two have thrown the hot dog down the hallway at the very least 19 times. Ick. Nast. I just can't this morning. I was going to make a joke about him not wearing condoms because he "can't feel anything" - but come on, how does he even feel anything WITHOUT a condom? Her vagina is probably permanently dilated to 10 centimeters. He probably has to get her pregnant the same way they do it to horses (don't Google that).
Okay, now down the right side we have People wondering how Michael Jackson's kids Prince, Paris, and Snuggie are dealing with his death. Um, probably the same way most kids their age are? Exactly - dabbling in goth and listening to The Cure and repeatedly slamming their bedroom doors while screaming "Fuck you, Grandma! You have no idea what my life is like!" In the middle we have a picture of permanent D-list resident Nancy "Thank god someone whacked my knee back in so I can maintain some sort of relevancy as the years go on" Kerrigan, who's in the news because her Dad was beat to death by her brother. Whoah, it appears for the first time ever, Nancy Kerrigan's family is more white-trash than Tonya Hardings. And finally, we have a picture of Heidi Montag looking like a JC Penney mannequin. Oh People...you're like the Fox News of magazines.
Lindsay Lohan on Inside Edition talking about her being a hoarder.
Oh my god, have you seen anyone slide so far!?!? It's only a matter of time before she's endorsing Snuggies and Slap-chops (I CAN'T WAIT!!!!)

Source: www.skipraid.com
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