Sunday, February 28, 2010
Most Jobs Would Fire You For An Email About Ron Jeremy’s Penis…
We get some fun global emails here at MTV Networks. Some are just funny in their complete lack of irony, while others, like this one that we received today, are just literally pornographic and would get anyone instantly fired at 99.9% of jobs that exist: Subject: FW: Ron Jeremy Porn Hello everyoneeeee. By any chance do any [...]
We get some fun global emails here at MTV Networks. Some are just funny in their complete lack of irony, while others, like this one that we received today, are just literally pornographic and would get anyone instantly fired at 99.9% of jobs that exist:
Subject: FW: Ron Jeremy Porn
Hello everyoneeeee. By any chance do any of you have ANY porn featuring the one and only Ron Jeremy that Undateable can borrow!
No worries… you won’t be judged ;-)
Man, at my old job, the one time I sent an email with seventy .gifs of dancing erect penises to the CEO and his family, they were all like “Mr. Hopper that was slightly unreasonable.” I was like, “Eff this Peace Corps BS, I’m gonna go do something that matters, where I won’t be judged for my compulsions to send global emails that yell “D*CKS! D*CKS! D*CKS! D*CKS!” from your Outlook before you even open them.
Bosses are so unreasonable about sending their children d*ck emails! That Dilbert comic was totally right.
Box Office: The King Is Dead, 'Dear John' takes down 'Avatar'
I was never under the impression that Avatar would be number one forever, but I expected it to last at least one more week until The Wolfman knocked it off. Now the question for Avatar is how much more money will it make? A good chunk of its box office revenue has come from 3D screens and Alice in Wonderland looks to take the majority of them when the movie comes out March 5. Fox has every box office record that matters so I don’t expect them to push this next month with a host of other 3D releases coming out.
Now that Avatar fever is waning, the box office can look to the rest of the field for excitement. This weekend looks a little packed with The Wolfman, Valentine’s Day, and Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief. The Wolfman was supposed to come out last February and was pushed back twice so it will be interesting to see how it does. Valentine’s Day took the route of bringing in about two dozen actors and actresses with box office appeal and cramming them into one movie. So the fact that it should suck will have no bearing on its earnings this week. Don’t expect Avatar to roll over either. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets close to $700 million domestically by the time it is all said and done. Especially if it wins Best Picture at next months Oscar's.
Weekend Box Office: February 5-7, 2010 (estimated)
# | Title | Weekend Gross | Total Gross |
1 | Dear John | $32,400,000 | NEW |
2 | Avatar | $23,600,000 | $630,100,000 |
3 | From Paris with Love | $8,100,000 | NEW |
4 | Edge of Darkness | $7,000,000 | $29,100,000 |
5 | The Tooth Fairy | $6,500,000 | $34,300,000 |
Source: Box Office Mojo
Suri-Watch - spotted in Seed store in Melbourne with mummy Katie Holmes

Början Slut Fortsättning
Skrotis är frisk som en nötkärna!
Nästa vecka kommer mina föräldrar och hälsar på. Dom har ju haft flera visningar på sin lägenhet i Visby och nu ska dom hem för att titta på lägenheter här. Det känns kul att dom flyttar till Sundsvall igen, jag tror det kommer att bli väldigt bra för mamma och pappa faktiskt. Synd bara att jag inte får hälsa på mer på Gotland, men jag måste åka dit fler gånger, vore hemskt annars!
Jag har ingen teater den här veckan men jag har flera rep-kvällar nästa vecka. Jag jobbar bara två veckor till på Lagerhaus, får se vad det blir sedan. Syrran trivs superbra på sitt nya jobb förresten. Hon har aldrig trivts så bra på någon arbetsplats säger hon! Dag ringde och berättade att han köpt en bil, så nu har jag (förhoppningsvis) bilburen sightseeing nästa gång jag åker till Stockholm. Själva bilköpet lät som en högklassig dramakomedi med vissa thrillerinslag. Det finns en filmatisering på hans blogg: Idag så ska min pappa skaffa sig sin livs första tatuering, kul va! Jag har begärt urträde ur hantverkskooperativet nu. Det känns konstigt, tråkigt och bra på samma gång. Början, slut och fortsättning.
3 bilder på Brooke Shields. Den övre av George Hurrell, de 2 nedre (för mig) okända fotografer. Vogue-omslaget är från 1987.
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Demi Lovato Tweets Her Hip Bones
Demi Lovato tweeted this super skinny pic yesterday afternoon, and her new figure is causing us to worry!
After she tweeted her skinny pics, she sent the following lyrics: "I need you to know, I'm not through the night.. Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light."
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Tony Maiello

Il suo amore verso lo spettacolo, e la musica in particolare, è evidente fin dalla sua tenera età ma il suo ingresso in quel mondo che ha sempre sognato avviene per puro caso nel gennaio 2008 quando, trovandosi a Roma, sente parlare di "X Factor" e decide di parteciparvi.
La trasmissione è stata un grande trampolino di lancio per Tony che, dopo essere arrivato quarto, firma un contratto con l'Etichetta Discografica di Mara Maionchi con la quale incide, nel 2009, il suo primo Ep dal titolo "Ama Calma".
Quest'anno ha deciso di partecipare al Festival di Sanremo, la manifestazione canora più importante d'Italia, e presentare il suo nuovo singolo "Il linguaggio della resa" (che potrete ascoltare e vedere nel video qui sotto) aggiudicandosi il primo premio.
Il ragazzo è ancora molto giovane ma è pieno di grinta e di voglia di fare per cui anche a lui auguriamo tanta tanta fortuna perchè, secondo noi, se la merita proprio! ;)
Se puede escuchar en la Web un tema inédito de Michael Jackson descargar download ”This is it”l “Rey del pop”.

Se puede escuchar en la Web un tema inédito de Michael Jackson descargar download ”This is it” es la nueva balada del “Rey del pop”.
El primer tema inédito de Michael Jackson que se publica tras su muerte puede escucharse desde hoy a través de la página web oficial del "Rey del pop".
Se trata de "This is it", una balada que habla de un amor inesperado y que da nombre al álbum que saldrá a la venta el próximo 26 de octubre, coincidiendo con el estreno, dos días después, del documental "Michael Jackson`s This Is It".
En el tema que hoy se dio a conocer al mundo también participan los hermanos de Jackson, señaló la página web oficial del músico fallecido el 25 de junio.
El single comienza con las palabras: "Así es. Aquí estoy. Soy la luz del mundo. Me siento grande", y continúa: "Enamorarme no estaba en mis planes. Nunca pensé que sería tu pájaro de amor".
"La canción 'This Is It' sólo confirma lo que el todo mundo sabe desde hace mucho tiempo: que Michael es uno de los mayores regalos que nos dio Dios", dijo John McClain, coproductor del disco que reúne grande éxitos del intérprete de "Thriller", así como el poema "Planet Earth" de Jackson, inédito hasta ahora.
En tanto, la película que se estrenará el 28 de octubre ofrecerá una mirada "detrás de escena" del músico mientras ensayaba entre abril y junio de 2009 los conciertos que iban a marcar su regreso, a los 50 años, a los escenarios.
Michael Jackson falleció el pasado 25 de junio en Los Ángeles como consecuencia de una sobredosis de medicamentos.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
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Barbie Hsu Xi Yuan

Name: Barbie Hsu Xi Yuan
Secondary Name: Barbie Xu
Chinese Name: 徐熙媛
Nickname: Shan Shan (called by her family members only) / Big S (Da S)
Popularly Known As : Shan Cai (leading female character in Meteor Garden I & II)
Date of Birth : 6 October 1976
Birth Place: Shandong, China
Zodiac: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Shoe Size: 7
Blood Type: B