Letterman told his story during a taping of his show, mixing in jokes to an audience that seemed confused about what it was. He called it a "bizarre experience" that left him feeling disturbed and menaced.
Not only did David Letterman confess to actually having sex with female employees of the show but that he had been involved in events leading to the arrest of the blackmailer, who is alleged to be CBS "48 Hours" producer Robert J. Halderman.
David Letterman told "The Late Show with David Letterman" audience that the package had contained a letter. He said, "I know that you do some terrible terrible things, and I can prove that you do these terrible things ... and sure enough what was contained in the package was proof that I do terrible, terrible things."
Kelli Lageschulte, 20, a graphic design student from Iowa, was among a crowd of people trying to get "Late Show" tickets at the Ed Sullivan Theater last night. She found a few giggles in Dave's admission he had affairs with several female staffers.
"I wonder if he told jokes while they were having sex," she said with a grin. "He is, after all, very funny. Anyway, everybody's doing it."
Bill Sheft, a veteran Letterman writer, defended his boss. "I love him. I've worked for him for more than 18 years and I just love him," he said of Letterman.
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