Thursday, December 31, 2009
Bipasha Basu as a Cover Girl
Bipasha Basu
What makes her a Cover Girl?
She has the spunk and the oomph! And several success stories tucked under her belt. Bipasha Basu is another who is applauded for her honesty and at the same time makes a pretty picture atop magazine covers.
Known for stable relationships, Bips has proved that she is serious when it comes to her men, and though having fun is what she enjoys, sensibilities is not what she is fond of having fun with.
Quite sporty in nature, that athletic and great figure has everyone saying Ooh la la!
Taylor Momsen Scores Her First Big Modeling Campaign
Photo: Getty Snaps to Little J–she’s just scored herself her first maja modeling campaign! According to Nylon, Taylor shot her first add for a “very big fashion brand” on December 18th. While the news is still unconfirmed by Taylor’s people, I don’t see any reason why a brand wouldn’t pick her up. She has [...]
Snaps to Little J–she’s just scored herself her first maja modeling campaign! According to Nylon, Taylor shot her first add for a “very big fashion brand” on December 18th. While the news is still unconfirmed by Taylor’s people, I don’t see any reason why a brand wouldn’t pick her up. She has more style than most women in their twenties, and she’s quite the outspoken fireball needed to spice up a campaign. Plus, you KNOW those pictures are going to be fierce.
What do you guys think? Any particular brand you would like to see Little J reppin’? Sound off in the comments!
Stylish sisters
Surorile Minogue au stralucit ieri in lumina reflectoarelor si blitzurilor, fiind prezente la evenimente importante, nu impreuna, ci separat.
Kylie, in America, la New York, la Guggenheim Art Awards sponsorizat de Calvin Klein Collection, intr-o rochie, evident, Calvin Klein si Danni in Europa, la Londra, unde a aprins cele 11500 de beculete decorative ce au imbracat Harrods, cel mai faimos magazin de lux, in haine de sarbatoare.
Pentru acest eveniment ea a ales o rochie alba J'Aton Couture. Ca membru in juriul concursului "The X Factor" Dannii a fost vazuta de mai multe ori in J'Aton Couture, un brand australian infiintat in 1995 de Jacob Luppino si Anthony Pittorino si specializat initial in tinute pentru mirese. Si Kylie ii sprijina pe cei doi designeri compatrioti, alegand rochii elegante din colectiile lor pentru iesirile in public.
Ambele au optat pentru pantofi stralucitori.


Harrods iluminat de 11500 de beculete verzi

Sneak Peet at Invictus
From director Clint Eastwood, Invictus tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa's rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country.
Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa's underdog rugby team as they make an unlikely run to the 1995 World Cup Championship match.
Eva Longoria – Creative Coalition’s Spotlight Initiative in Los Angeles
Celina wants to do a Bengali film now
It’s one of her targets for 2010
"I have spent a lot of time in West Bengal and this is the reason I can easily associate myself with the place, culture and the language. I would really love to work in a Bengali movie because I feel they make very emotional and interesting movies," Celina told IANS in an interview.
"The way they weave stories is fascinating. They simply touch the human chord. I would love to work with Ritu-da (Rituparno Ghosh). This would be one of my targets for the next year," she said.
Celina is riding high after winning the best female actor award for her performance in the English film "Love Has No Language" at the 33rd Cairo International Film Festival (CIFF) held Nov 10-20. The movie was a New Zealand entry at the film festival.
"This year has been so good. Winning this award has been an icing on the cake. These awards work as a motivation factor and help you perform better. As the role was a bit different from the conventional roles I do, it worked," said the actress.
"I have always seen that whenever I have attempted something different, I have been appreciated," she added.
"Love Has No Language", an engaging romantic movie, was directed by Ken Khan and stars New Zealand actor Ben Mitchell as well as Hindi film actors Rati Agnihotri and Kiran Kumar.
The 28-year-old, who has featured in Hindi movies like "Janasheen", "No Entry" and "Golmaal Returns", has seven movies in her kitty and is confident that she will make her presence felt on the big screen next year.
The model-turned-actress doesn't understand why people question her if she opts to do only a few movies.
"If Aamir Khan does one movie at a time, he is applauded but if Celina Jaitley chooses to do a few movies, she is criticised. Why such disparity?" the actress asked.
Apart from acting, Celina is involved with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and is also a gay rights activist.
"In my free time, I love to work for the causes I strongly feel for. All these things are no substitute for romance but they are something that I feel responsible for," she said.
"I choose to live my life fully and it deserves appreciation," she added.
The actress will soon be seen in movies like "Accident On Hill Road", "Run Bhola Run" and "Chai Garam".
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Britney Spears Looking Good At LAX Airport

Britney Spears and boyfriend Jason Trawick were spotted at LAX airport in New York City.
The “3” singer looked cute in jeans, green boots and a bright white coat, while her beau looked nice, too, sporting jeans and a leather jacket while carrying some of Brit’s belongings.
Angelique Boyer in pantyhose and sexy stockings
Angelique Boyer (born July 4, 1988 as Monique Paulette Boyer Rousseau) is a French-born Mexican actress. She was born in Saint-Claude, Jura, France. [Wiki]